Supporting you through Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum.

Let me nourish and support you while you nourish your baby

Prepping for Postpartum Online Workshop

For couples, Mamas and Dadas who are expecting for the first time! In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll cover everything you need to know to prepare you for your baby’s arrival - yes, even the things no one else will tell you! Information, tools and support to help you feel as prepared, supported and confident as you start your journey.

Nourished. Rested. Connected.

1-1 personal postpartum coaching for new Mamas designed to help you through the most significant transition of your life. Giving you the support and advice that will help you feel as nourished, rested and as connected as possible as you become a Mama! Supporting you every step of the way, when you need it most.

The Pillars of your Postpartum Wellness


Tailored nutritional recommendations and carefully designed recipes to nourish and support your body.


Self care practices and healthy habits to revitalise your mind, body and soul when you can’t get your full night’s sleep.


Exploring your journey into motherhood and helping you build positive connections where you need them most.

Fully and professionally trained, non-judgemental physical and emotional support when you need it most.

Book your Free 15 min Clarity Call to find out how I can support you now!

It takes a village, let me be apart of yours

Hi, I’m Barbara!

I'm a mom to 2 young children and on top of that I’m a Hypnobirthing Teacher, Nutritional Therapist, Postpartum Doula and volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor!

Becoming a Mama isn't easy, but I'm here to help make it a little easier.

Whether it's adjusting to life with a new little one, questions about feeding or you just need someone to talk to, I'm here to support, hold and nurture you when you need it most.

Fully qualified to the highest standards with the personal experience to back it up. I've been there and I know what it takes. Setting yourself up for a positive birth & postpartum journey is one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself!

You will always remember the support you had during this time, make sure it was enough! Let me give you the support I wish had.

Where the ancient meets evidence & experience

Are you?

Nervous about what life will look like once baba arrives?

Needing some support to prepare for baba to arrive?

Needing some support to recover postpartum?

Trying to recover your cycle postpartum?

Wanting to build a community of support around you during those first vital few months?

I’m here to help!

Let me help you to have the healthy and happy postpartum experience you want.

Let me teach you how to listen to and nourish your body to support your recovery.

Let me show you how making small changes can have a big impact on your physical and mental well-being.

Let me guide you through what is reality and what is fantasy when entering motherhood and life with a new baby.

Let me create a safe space for you to feel heard and express all of your feelings with no judgement.

Let me connect you to a village of women who truly want to support each other on this journey.

You matter too. Happy Mama, Happy Baby.